Futures Contracts with Avalon below index rates
It has been long established that Avalon has been in the privileged position to have a sufficient global network to purchase futures contracts from their partners on a truly global basis. Based on our buying ability, Avalon has the genuinely powerful ability to ensure prices are not fluctuated by market demands, rather placing our clients in a strong position to be able to enjoy and benefit from rates that are below current index rates enabling us to trade with global re-sellers and marketeers.
"The benefit of purchasing soft commodities at a well below index rates" is no longer a dream, rather a reality for those serious contenders within the commodities markets. Offering re-sellers an opportunity to purchase large volume for trade ensuring a handsome margin within the tangibles market is now accessible via Avalon.
The process is applied to contracts valued $50 million USD and above and are delivered on a CIF or CFR basis only. Details of how the process works can be viewed via our procedures page. Safeguarding our clients especially during first time transactions is and always will be our priority.
The futures offers currently available for soft commodities only will in the near future be extended to energy products, however we are proud to demonstrate that we are currently one of the very few commodities traders in the world to be in a position to offer premium products at a rate attractive to our bulk re-seller clients.
Any more information required on the rates and offers for commodities can be reached via submitting your initial request to Avalon, whereby one of our trained professional traders working in London will contact you for a more detailed conversation and invitation to submit your official request for quotation via our secure server.