
Suppliers are at the core of the Avalon business model adding value and shaping the world of International Trade.

Suppliers are at the core of the Avalon business model. We focus on adding value right across the supply chain from the manufacturers to the end user, with a strong emphasis on standards and ethics that protect human rights and the environment.

From the local suppliers and farmers on a local level, climbing to the national, regional, multinational and government sector, Avalon always ensures partnerships are both ethical, transparent and responsible.

Our commitment to deliver value and shape the international trade market will always reflect on the expectations and relationships we hold with our suppliers, business partners and clients.

With a high level of expectation from our suppliers, we ensure that ethical business practice, safety standards, health and human rights are applied. Those expectations widen to sustainability and the environment, all of which are incorporated into agreements and supplier contracts.
To this effect due diligence is an integral part of working with potential suppliers, undertaking a risk assessment to identify areas of concern. Should we identify areas of concern we will work with our suppliers implementing a list of corrective actions to implement.

Avalon are always committed to operating in an open, transparent and ethical manner. If our supplier standards are seen to be contravened, employees, contractors and suppliers are encouraged to raise their concern with a regional manager or regional director, or a head of supply chain. Maintaining expectations across the landscape of our supply-chain is equally as important for us as are the expectations of our stakeholders and partners.
Where a concern remains unresolved through local channels, or should an employee, contractor, supplier or other stakeholder, for whatever reason and at any time, feel uncomfortable utilising the local channels to resolve their concerns, the concern can be raised via our senior management team via our contact form.

Would you like to join our supply chain?

Avalon is expanding its global footprint, would you like to benefit from our global network?